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Defining the Solidarity Economy |
By Jenna Allard and Julie Matthaei, Guramylay: Growing the Green Economy |
Definitions “Solidarity economy designates all production, distribution and consumption activities that contribute to the democratization of the economy based on citizen commitments both at a local and global level. It is carried out in various forms, in all continents. It covers different forms of organization that the population uses to create its own means of work or to have access to qualitative goods and services, in a dynamics of reciprocity and solidarity which links individual interests to the collective interest. In this sense, solidarity economy is not a sector of the economy, but an overall approach that includes initiatives in most sectors of the economy.” - Alliance 21 ***** “We have also seen the emergence of various forms of Solidarity Economy as a new proposal to organize the economy and society around the conviction that Another Global Socioeconomy is possible, another Human Being is possible. It aims at overcoming alienation with holistic individual and collective self-development.” “It is economic activity organized for safe and sustainable individual and collective self-development, which implies the shared satisfaction of needs and wants and the co-management of the houses people share in common – the home, the community, the district, the county, the ecosystem, the country, the planet. It is an ethical, reciprocal and cooperative way of consuming, producing, financing, exchanging, communicating, educating, developing which fosters a new way of thinking and living.” - Marcos Arruda, PACS Brazil ***** “Solidarity Economics begins here, with the realization that alternative economies already exist; that we as creative and skilled people have already created different kinds of economic relationships in the very belly of the capitalist system. We have our own forms of wealth and value that are not defined by money. Instead of prioritizing competition and profit-making, these economies place human needs and relationships at the center. They are the already-planted seeds of a new economy, an economy of cooperation, equality, diversity, and self-determination: a ‘solidarity economy’.” “Solidarity is a powerful word that names the dynamic, collective process of taking active responsibility for our inter-relationships on both a local and global level. When we practice solidarity, we recognize that our fates are bound up with the fates of others, both human and non-human; that our interconnections—sometimes profoundly unequal and oppressive—demand conscious action and transformation. Through solidarity, we recognize the diversity, autonomy, power, and dignity of others. We come to understand that our struggles to be free and joyful are not as separate or distant from one another as we may have thought. We begin to develop an ethical practice of shared struggle.” - Ethan Miller, GEO (Grassroots Economic Organizing) ***** “Solidarity Economy is a strong tool of empowerment and social change that starts from the initiatives of responsible citizens that want to keep control of the way they are producing, consuming, saving, investing, exchanging. It is a model of community-based and locally-based people’s economy. We may call it grassroots economy. Solidarity Economy constructs a sustainable development from civil society taking State policies and resources only as complementary to their own actions and resources. It makes economy accountable with ethical standards.” - Carola Reintjes, REAS (Network for Alternative and Solidarity Economy NetworksWorld Social Forum, Spain) ***** “Solidarity Economy” is one of terms used to describe all those economic activities and regulations which are based upon cooperation and solidarity, so as to place human beings and social relationships back at the core of the economic activities.” - Asian Forum for Solidarity Economy ***** “Solidarity Economy is fruit of the organization of workers in the construction of new economical and social practices based on relations of solidarity partnership, and inspired on cultural values where men and women are protagonists and the purpose of the economic activity, and not the private accumulation of wealth in general and capital in particular.” - Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Economy ***** “The term solidarity economy is interchangeable with social economy, popular economy and labour economy. But the word solidarity – [which I define as] unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards -- describes the processes involved in the best possible way. Coming together of people as a cohesive unit working to serve common vision and interests form the foundation of these initiatives.” - Manish Verma, AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development) ***** “Parallel to the neoliberal model, exists another model known as Solidarity Economy, and its concept of development is based within the liberation of the potential of humanity.” “In the Solidarity Economy market, the market is a space for the interchange of goods at a fair price with just relationships and constituting a means of creating development. Technology and the financial resources are instruments for work and production. Natural resources are raw materials for production, the basic means to contribute to the development. Within the model, exists a consciousness of respect for nature and the knowledge that natural resources aren't of an unlimited supply; therefore they require planning, preservation and sustainable use so they can be used by future generations.” - Alma Cecilia Omana Reyes and Jorge Santiago Santiago ***** “A new form of organization of economic life, from local to global. It is an ethical, reciprocal and cooperative way of consuming, producing, financing, exchanging, communicating, educating, developing which fosters a new way of thinking and living. - Emily Kawano, CPE (Center for Popular Economics, U.S.) ***** “We understand the Solidarity Economy to be the socioeconomic system made up of the multiple associative forms of production and service, of solidaritous enterprises whose goal is not profit, based on universal principles and values of mutualism, cooperation, the worker's movement.” - COLACOT (Latin American Confederation of Cooperatives and Worker's Associations) ***** “Solidarity economies are those in which local production for local needs employs democratic and often non-market forms of manufacture, distribution, savings, and investment.” - Bob Stone & Betsy Bowman, GEO “Solidarity economy” names not just participatory budgeting but any economic activity -- co-ops, fair trade, ethical consumption, credit unions, local currencies, micro-finance, socially conscious investment -- that democratizes an economy, subordinating profit to human ends. It includes: ethical consumption, fair trade, local currencies, micro-finance and credit unions, socially conscious investment, and co-ops of all kinds.” - Bob Stone & Betsy Bowman
Principles The Solidarity Economy is a broader [than the social economy] development vision and actions that seek to contend with the powerful international neo-liberal vision on all levels and in all sectors, that is gaining recognition by leaders from the market, state, and civil sectors in all societies globally. It is anchored in the following values and priorities: 1) Economic, social, and environmental development that is truly sustainable and restorative to society and the planet; 2) Profoundly internationalist in seeking development that builds communities and human capacity as a principal objective; is based on understanding and applying best international practice from the developing and developed world; is based on active international exchange and the creating of common projects that reflect High Road development. 3) Reflects a positive and comprehensive development vision and plan that will successfully compete with the current and dominant Low Road development trend in communities, regions, countries, and internationally. Scale is important. 4) Accepts the urgency of addressing the urgent crises such as the looming ones in relation to water, climate, food, and Peak Oil; 5) Promotes solidarity and common action with community, labor, business, government, and educators towards these objectives both in the design as well as implementation of programs; and 6) Is premised on the fundamental assumption that true social, economic, and environmental change is finally a product of a broad informed and powerful mass movement. - Dan Swinney, NANSE (North American Network for the Solidarity Economy” *****
- Marcos Arruda *****
***** 1) Solidarity, cooperation, and democracy as norms that all people and organizations have to follow if they are to be a part of the Solidarity Economy. - COLACOT (Latin American Confederation of Cooperatives and Worker's Associations) *****
- Manish Verma, AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development)
excerpt from Alma Cecilia Omana Reyes and Jorge Santiago Santiago,
Relationships that exist in the process of the construction of the Solidarity Economy are between:
Fundamental Principles: Important Elements of the Solidarity Economy
images credited to Tiffany Sankary: