The Pheonix with Flames performed by TujuTaksu
The Phoenix
The flash dance of fire
claims flesh, hair, bone
I burn
I burn of passions and dreams
consummated by visions
the fire in mind, brain, soul
the neural structure glowing, lit
electric neon flashing messages
fireworks, starbursts,
in such heat I create
knowing the process of flame, spark
ash, carbon, ember, smoke
when fire has finished with me
danced me down
to a molt en pool of sweat
on my chosen habitat - the dance floor
where the curtain rises
and rises again
again, like a great wing it lifts
I rise again
even when all is ash
after the great and continuous fire
leaving the clean bone
the flesh purified
still, the unburned heart remains
yet I will rise again, reborn
on this stage or another
the curtain rises like a great wing
my arms lift like wings
this is how it is to be
the Firebird