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At, we are centered in transformation. This is a space for all dreamers who are working on economic, social, and environmental changes.  The present moment is full of examples of creative transformation; in many different ways, people are healing themselves and coming together to create a more just, free, and sustainable world. We invite and welcome your  participation in Transformation Central. Sign up to read and post on our wordpress TransformationBlog

About the Transformative Moment
by Julie Matthaei and Barbara Brandt

We are living in one of the most exciting times in history. It is a time of crisis and breakdown, and a time of potential transition to a new and more evolved economic and social stage...Read more .
Read more about the Transformative Moment of Personal Healing .


Transformative Processes


FORUM 2007


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Solidarity Economy

Videos from Left Forum 2008!

watch the Presentation "The Solidarity Economy as a Path towards Radical Economic Transformation"! Click Here


Sicko and the Transformative Moment

Julie Matthaei, 07/23/2007 a skeptic who has been convinced by news coverage in the U.S. that “socialized” medicine creates long lines, poor treatment, government-oppressed doctors, and lack of choice, he interrogates both patients and medical providers on our behalf in a humorous and educational here to read more.

Immigrant Endorsing Obama

Germai Medhanie 2/3/2008

Obama has vision, and he is taking the political high road.  He is trying to appeal to all Americans, and he is coming to people with a fresh outlook, claiming that racism and racial divides have no place in 21st-century America. to read more, click here


Transformative Business: A Report from the U.S. Social Forum 2007

Germai Medhanie, 10/30/07

People are engaging in transformative businesses by starting worker-owned businesses, co-ops and green businesses. It came out of the realization of private corporations’ greed. Traditional businesses corporations are always in search for more profit, they lack responsibility, decency, and civility... to read more, click here.

Plea to my fellow immigrants, let us not bury our voices alive

Germai Medhanie, 07/20/2007

This is a story about finding my voice as an immigrant writer. To write this story, I have to expose my problems with here to read more.

Consternation over Consumption

Jenna Allard, 07/20/2007

As a recent college-graduate, making a somewhat abrupt transition to the working world here to read more.

Defining the Solidarity Economy, Defining my job

By Jenna Allard, 08/08/2007

I have deep suspicions about capitalism, .... I believe that structural change is necessary, but I still suspicious of the some half-baked and some mostly-baked economic alternatives that radicals cook read more click here.

From Miami…[Part 1]

By Katie Clifford, 08/14/2007

...the extremely poor and desperate meet the extremely rich folk and yearn to be like them in style, substance, and consumption patterns.. to read more click here.


Inner City students making their hands dirty!

By Germai Medhanie, 08/06/2007

Inner City students, from Common Ground High School, are engaged in learning about the value of healthy living and sustainable agricultural practices by making their hands read more click here. Watch an interview with Joe Lesiak. If you would like to read the partial transcript click

Summer Camp for Radicals: The Union of Radical Political Economics 2007 Summer Conference

By Jenna Allard, 08/24/2007

This past weekend I traveled to Pine Bush, New York, for my first read more click here.

Universal Peace Day’s Quest for World Transformation

By Ray Korona, 07/25/2007

“Power to the Peaceful” are the words emblazoned on a t-shirt worn by SuZen, who with Barry Gruber, is a co-organizer of the annual event in NYC known as Universal Peace Day (UPD).... click here to read more.

Don’t Blame Me for the Bad Economy, I’m Just an Immigrant

by Germai Medhanie 4/21/2008

I know it is coming: as an immigrant, I’m one of those people who will be blamed again for the bad economic times. But, let me say to voters in the rural areas of Pennsylvania, Indiana, and North Carolina – I’m here, in the United States, because the rulers, where I came from, denied me my right to hear the truth, denied me my right to speak the truth, and denied me my right to vote for my own interest. to read more, click here

Never Seen that Many Dishes

Germai Medhanie, 07/23/2007

As someone who had lived in a country where we eat on one big plate with our fingers, I was stunned by the volume of dishes and utensils that kept getting delivered to here to read more.

Meeting an Old Friend: Discovering the Solidarity Economy at the USSF

Megan Wade Antieau, 07/20/2007

Prior to the U.S. Social Forum, the term “solidarity economy” did not exist in my here to read more.

A Less Dogmatic Day for Jenna: Structural Roots and Short Term Fixes

By Jenna Allard, 09/07/2007

Individual events, like the Iraq War for instance, may have particularly shady beginnings and horrific consequences, but it is our constitutional structure that gives the president his power as commander-in-chief, and his ability to veto yet another bill that sets timelines for withdrawal... Read more here